Saturday, July 23, 2005

The Flying Scotsman


  1. Och Aye the Noo! Shiver me cabers an' slap some cold porridge in me sporran fer me supper!

  2. Classic Arty! I love the wings on the fellow. I notice that you use the "x" and "star" in many of your pieces. Do these symbols hold any significance for you?

  3. Scraps-the "fellow" is Robert Burns

    or Rabbi Baerns, "its a bra'bricht moonlicht nicht the noo" I thought it would be more subtle than a flying man in a kilt.

    The flying scotsman-in case you dont know was a famous locomotive that set the record for the fastes journey between London and Edinburgh or somewhere.

    I use the X as a cancellation mark mainly. I recycle lots of collages and I like the idea of just crossing stuff out physically-I like it as a dynamic graphic device too.

    Well the star is just "star quality"! Didn't you notice?

  4. Interesting about how you use the X's. Of course, I've always known you were a superstar!
