Wednesday, January 04, 2006

Art is Blind

Art is  Blind


  1. Beautiful and eerie! Are those tattoos on the man's torso? And I don't think Art (Nahpro) is blind. On the contrary, you have a true vision.

  2. I love it. The echo of Peter Beard vibrates through it. I see a man, vibrant and passionate, charging through the underbrush covered in war paint. Suddendly we are face-to-face, and I am completely undone.

  3. Revealing and Wild

  4. He is a guy from a carnival side show I think. He was in a catalogue of curious photographs I bought in a junk shop. For some reason his eyes appeared to have been cut out or pierced (on the original photograph). Very much Ray Bradbury Illustrated Man territory. Anyway-I felt that being a blind illustrated man is a slightly disturbing possibility for a self portrait.
