Saturday, March 25, 2006

The Atomic Age

This was just what I needed to get me to actually work on something. It's been a while. Had no idea what I was going to do, but thought it might involve either the spirograph, some polaroids, or the recyling of an old painting/collage I hate now.

Plus something from here:

Ended up painting over the painting and spirographing (is that a word?) on it a bit. Then got out a knitting-pattern book from the '50s for "almost teens."

Leading us to . . .


  1. Very cool! I use an old spirograph every once in while too. It was one of my favorite toys as a kid.

  2. where is my j.c.penneys christmas wishbook? i want a spirograph too!!! great piece.

  3. I like this one, Lisa. Scrappyboy- a quick check of ebay shows plenty of spirographs, though the vintage ones seem to be selling fairly high. Should us yard sale/flea marketers keep our eyes open for you?

  4. Anonymous9:50 AM

    I eBayed my Spirograph last week. I was overcome with consumerism. There's a new version of it for sale now - but it's all wrong.
