Saturday, August 26, 2006

We Are Listening

We Are Listening


  1. Nice one. I had some freinds who were paranoid about being tapped on the phone. Everytime they lifted the receiver they heard an audible click down the line. Probably a faulty connection.

  2. Fantastic! I crown thee King of Clipped Text!

  3. Hahah We are everywhere. Click.....brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

  4. Now you've done it Arty, I'll have to hunt to see if I still have those genuine US Govt Phone is Subject to Monitoring stickers...

  5. What makes you think this one isn't genuine? Haha would love to see them.

    This call may be monitored and recorded for "training" purposes seems to be the new one. I read somewhere that the average Brit gets picked up over three hundred times a day by surveillance cameras.
