Saturday, November 18, 2006

The Big A

Big A


  1. Nice one. Shame you have posted it so small.

  2. I really like the way this one is organized ... jk

  3. Thanks Mike-it was either going to be too big or two small-like the boots they issue in the army...

    thanks james-this is an oldy-I am insulating my work space at the moment so I can't get down to any fresh work-soon I hope.

  4. Hope all the insulting is going well Paul! I dont have that excuse I'm afraid - just goping through a barren patch. Maybe I need to clear my table top again!

    word verification says - fwooty i

  5. Anonymous10:57 AM

    I too like the layout on this one with all the different papers.

    Hope your insulating is coming along nicely. I am itching to make new work, but just don't have the time right now. Maybe next week...

  6. Anonymous10:58 AM

    Haha, just read that Michael said INSULTING!
