Saturday, December 30, 2006

New Year's Resolutions!

Some help here with those tricky problems. From an old "Christmas Catalogue" I used to make.

New theme - "Ring out the old - Ring in the new!"

Sorry to be a bit late with this one- have been busy here! A happy New Year to all !

Saturday, December 23, 2006

Merry Christmas Friends

I wish you all the best in the new year. Thank You so much for all the inspiration and encouragement. !!!Merry Christmas Friends!!!

Friday, December 22, 2006

While I breathe, I hope

While I Breathe I Hope

Merry Christmas everybody. Here is to a more peaceful, forgiving and healing year in this tragic, perplexing but ultimately still wonderful world we are caretaking...

Cosmic Christmas

Happy Holidays to all my dear Scrapiteria friends!! Thanks to everyone for participating. It's wonderful to have connected with so many collagists who appreciate this medium. Looking forward to a New Year filled with cut and paste adventures!!

New theme - "Merry Christmas!"

To make it easy for everyone they can post their Xmas wishes here in collage form. All the best for the festive season from me to you all! Thanks for making this blog such a fun place to be! May it continue in 2007! Cheers!

Friday, December 15, 2006

Happy Holidays!!

If you're seeing this, it means I finally figured out how to post directly, rather than troubling our wonderful hostess. Tis the season of miracles, indeed!! Looking forward to a Scrappy New Year here with my friends... Punwit

Thursday, December 14, 2006

New theme - "The Old Toy Shop"

The "Panto" collages were really great. Thanks to all those who took part! This weeks theme is "THE OLD TOY SHOP". Thinking about Christmas and all those old toys of your childhood maybe or toys of the future? Have fun!

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Naughty Kittens Lost Their Mittens

Sorry I have not been participating lately. Hope everyone is well and Happy Holidays to all!

Monday, December 11, 2006

Sunday, December 10, 2006

New theme - "Pantomime Season"

I believe it's my turn to choose a theme. I hope this isnt too obscure because I think the U.K. is the only place in the world who has Panto? Still , there are loads to choose from- "Puss In Boots", "Robin Hood" "Cinderella" "Aladdin" "Jack & The Beanstalk" etc. etc. Have fun!

Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Fast Eyes Debut

Pairs and Duos

De Profundis - Velvet Elvis

Please welcome new member Fast Eyes to Scrapiteria! She did two collages. One for last week's theme and one for this week.

Hunt and Peck

This is for last week's theme. Sorry for the late post!


Sorry-another from the archive-should be back in business next week hopefully.


Saturday, December 02, 2006

Thursday, November 30, 2006

New Topic: Underground

Be it in a cave, in the tube/subway or about something archeological, this week's topic is underground!

Extra points given to anyone that can work "velvet" into the title!

Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Love and War

Hello everyone sorry for the long delay. My computer was on the fritz. I love all the collages I've seen, Great stuff! I'll have to catch up. ~Dylan

Friday, November 24, 2006

Leda and The Swan


sorry this one also is an older one...almost finished insulating my work space-should be back in business next week....

Thursday, November 23, 2006

New Topic: Pairs and Duos or Two Great Tastes That Go Great Together

This week I'm thinking of pairs of things joined by a coordinating conjunction. I'm particularly fond of "and". As in "Virgin and Child", "Fry and Laurie", "Goofus and Gallant", etc. Don't, however, feel that you're obligated to use "and" in a title, "for", "nor", "but", "or", "yet", and "so" are also equally welcome. Wow, when did I become a grammar professor?

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Saturday, November 18, 2006

Strap A Melon To My Head, I'm Feelin' HOT!

Sorry it's another from the archives. I really will get some collaging done today I promise despite having a nasty cold and runny nose!

Thursday, November 16, 2006

New Topic: Caliente!

I don't know about you fellow Scrapiterians but it's cooold right now where I live That's why I thought this week we could collage some hot, hot heat to banish those winter blues. So bring me your fiery, your spicy, your tropical! Let's kick Old Man Winter's butt!

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Rocket Girl

A bit late for firework night but you can imagine the speed she went after lighting the blue touch paper!