Sunday, March 25, 2007

Cow Heart Japan Man

Sorry for being so tardy in getting back here but have been busy getting well and doing some Spring cleaning. I have given up my Flickr stream and just on Treemo for the moment, though that may change. I have some new mail art projects on the boil which some of you might like to take part in.

The "LET YOUR POSTCARDS DO THE WALKING" is a similar to the "HANDY POSTCARD EXCHANGE" of a few years ago - only this time you have to draw round your bare foot( or feet ) onto some thin card and then decorate it whichever way you fancy - collage, rubber stamp, drawing, watercolour etc. Some examples here at the the blog I've just started to display the work sent in-

I hope this gives you some ideas. Hopefully an exhibition is planned for March 2008 - so thats the deadline for entries. Send as many as you want. Everyone gets a foot shaped card from me in exchange. Possible catalogue if I can raise the funding from the local arts body. Have fun!

Thanks for all the fine GET WELL collages. I was very touched that you should think of me.


  1. Maybe I should add that you have to cut out the outline of the foot with scissors or scalpel and then decorate it.

  2. Anonymous11:24 AM

    Happy to have you back! I will work on my foot collage this week. Sounds like fun!

  3. Cool collage A1!

    I have a paw, a claw, and a flipper.. can i still play the the foot game? No worries I'll find one somewhere. Count me in!

  4. I'll probably end up regretting it but at the moment it is fun to be back into the mail art maelstrom despite the increase in postage rates.

    Paws, flippers and claws sounds like another good mail art theme d'chef but for now just stick to human feet- cheers! I look forward to all your toes poking through my letter box!

  5. I sent me feets to you- fun game! Glad you are feeling better- Love this collage, very fresh and tons of fun.

  6. Thanks laura - the more feets the merrier!
