Sunday, April 29, 2007

Afternoon T


  1. More of a coffee drinker myself, but I think they enjoy a spot of T and a bit of Parcheesi in Michael's neighbourhood(scroll down to April 25th)

  2. He he! Nothing like a cuppa "Rosie Lee" to perk you up before the days rituals begin!

  3. Anonymous2:12 PM

    I don't think granny approves of those stockings and heels.


  4. Grentilda lived with her elderly Aunt Howard and they would spend their days watching the Galloping Gourmet on the television. One day their neighbor Sakura came over to borrow a cup of sugar but Grentilda didn't have any so she gave Sakura some chamomile tea instead. Sakura was not impressed. Tea pot in hand, Grentilda stood there all afternoon, her legs getting thin and shiny with the exertion. Inside the house, Aunt Howard just kept ogling the Galloping Gourmet on the television. It was a long day. Sakura went home at 6 without any sugar.

    Love your collage Punwit! It's gorgeous :)
