Friday, August 31, 2007

Albert Rode his bike all the way Home


  1. ~An old one,
    just in case I couldn't catch something new...

    This collage is missing a woman!
    Who are always on my mind

  2. This looks exactly what I imagine the inside of your mind looks like D! Non stop action with swirling colors and imagery. Love it!

  3. fantastic - so great the way you have blended all the different bits and pieces into one swirl. Have you seen the collage work of Jess -- if not, check it out!

  4. The story behind this is fascinating. Your collage even more so! I truly love this one :)

  5. Dylan, I don't think of collages as being ON your mind, but that they ARE your mind. I believe your eyes must possess as many facets as a bee's eyes!
