Tuesday, August 28, 2007

A is for Accident

A is for Accident Waiting to Happen


  1. I don't get tired of looking at this one! A real beauty!

  2. your pin up beauty inspired me to flip the gender and do my own -- but more importantly I took a look at your elementary botany series...AMAZING! I'd like to learn more about it.

  3. It's just so hard to look away

  4. Thanks guys-well...Elvgren was the pin up artist and (as Scraps knows) I have always had a love for those 40s and 50s pin ups. Saucy and innocent at the same time. A different world.

    Thanks Barbara...Elementary Botany was just an old school text book I bought years ago and I have been filling it up with collages it is practically full now. I have done a number of collage books like that. I like the feel of a book with hundreds of hours of happy cutting and pasting invested in it.
