Friday, August 31, 2007

The Restmiss Of Bent Avurone

A tale of the old west when mad scientists roamed the plains of Montana and Idaho competing with the charlatans and quackery of the medicine shows. Here galloped Bent Avurone on his psychotic horse Einstein. Bent had been experimenting with a new G-Ray which turned brain to mush and turned you inside out. The head bone was connected to the neck bone and the neck bone was connected to the shuddering bone and the shuddering bone was entangled in the sphinkle bone- it was all a nasty mess! Bent had been riding for a week non-stop and the inside of his head felt like a septic tank. Soon he would reach the town of Tombbucket and the sheriff was waiting with the antidote made from cactus juice and buffalo goo. Will he get there in time?


  1. Now that's a western story that I would actually read!

    My dad is addicted to those western pulp paperbacks. He reads at least 1 a day (he's retired so he has the time). He trades them, 2 for 1 at a local flea market. He writes his name on the inside to mark the ones he has read. I am sure there are thousands of paperbacks with his name inside!

  2. So inventive. All the possibilities... i think you've found your genre!

  3. This is SO COOL A1!

  4. Hazel's dad liked to read westerns too she says and loved cowboy films. One a day seems a little excessive to me! Ah the days of the Cisco Kid and The Lone Ranger, Hopalong Cassidy, Wagon Train etc.

  5. Glad to be living in Texas and not Idaho! :)
