Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Morpheus Morphine

I remember the morphine daze.................


  1. The unbearable lightness of being.

    I feel as if you were beginning to fly...

  2. Neda
    I'm speechless...

  3. a poetic and beautiful image. You have a wonderful way with the feminine in your imagery - unique and wonderful.

  4. Wow, truly amazing! Although I love all of your work, I am partial to the darker pieces. This one might now be my favorite.

  5. Beautiful collage, powerful image. It's literary, classical, archetypal, and emotionally accurate to an opiod-induced state.

    You've depicted Icarus and every other fallen angel who desperately wants or has ever wanted to get "high." I was immediately reminded of the opening lines of Ginsberg's HOWL: "looking for an angry fix/ANGELheaded hipsters burning for the ancient heavenly connections to the starry dynamo. . .of night."

    I'm glad that your angel is not OVERLY feminine, as I find that your collages' glamorous Vogue beauties sometimes overwhelm your works.

    A marvellous piece.
