Sunday, October 07, 2007

Pack up your troubles in your old kitsch bag...


  1. Lovely! Super title too!

  2. Can I have the barking salt and pepper set?!

  3. definately is suited to Angelica!

  4. I don't regard this work as "kitsch' ('vulgar trash,' in German), don't regard it as crassly over-sentimentalized, etc.
    Rather, you have created a near-kitsch miss that I find--truly find--endearing and enchanting. Was that not your intention?

  5. I'd say the commonly used meaning of kitsch is retro items whose display is below the standards of tasteful decor. I didn't include pink flamingoes or garden gnomes because we have them in our obviously classy yard. And yes, Hummels don't really qualify but it made a nice background.

  6. Well, Punwit, since all you EVER do is kitsch, kitsch, kitsch, I should've known that "endearing and enchanting" were off your radar screen. Sorry to have accused you of having created a kind-hearted work for once. What puzzles me is how really ticked-off you were by my well-meaning praise. Seems weird...
