Sunday, November 16, 2008

Shrine honoring the Pilgrim's first fruitcake

Let us give thanks-- it's another postcard giveaway! I'll mail it to whoever posts my favorite comment by week's end.


  1. A few pieces of fruit tumbled out onto the road and created a traffic jam.

  2. This is a plum job! Top banana!

  3. We are most grapeful for this fine collage!

  4. i can't believe you giveaway postcards! thats so cool.

    i love fruitcake and believe it is a good thing there is a shrine for the pilgrim's first fruitcake.

    sadly, i have eaten fruitcakes old enough to have been one of the pilgrim's .............
    its still good with lots of rum.

  5. Rooty tooty, fresh and fruity!
    Okay, I got nothin'.

  6. Everyone was Amazed and delighted
    by the Giant fruit spectacle,
    but no one was prepared for the Giant fruit flies,
    that were about to show up.

    Great collage!

  7. Hmm, this was a hard decision. The winner is Ms Traffic Jam (Mr Fruit Flies was a VERY close second),and I thank you all for playing!!

    P.S.- Lisa, I've been a mailartist for many years so regularly send my artwork out into the world. Started doing that long before I exhibited in any galleries...
