Friday, February 13, 2009

Collection Agent

As a youngster, I would ask the corner store if they had any advertising signs they were getting rid of. Probably still have some of them, somewhere. My roots for appreciating "stuff" run deep...


  1. I think most collagists are probably junkers/pack rats at heart.

    Wonderful memory and fun collage!

  2. Fun collage. Love the B&W.
    Punwit, you've gotta check out these pics I took at my Uncle's house last year. You'll appreciate them.

  3. Great collage! Those signs would be worth a bit today.

  4. Thanks for the comments. The actual collage is in color, but I changed that for the scan/post. Wasn't sure if I liked the effect or not-- looks nostalgic but deails are harder to make out. Great photos, Marty;I was especially glad to see that he has many of them displayed so they can be enjoyed. It's frustrating to have cool stuff live in attic boxes because there's no place to put it!

  5. You should post the color one so we can compare.

  6. This is great but I'd like to see the colour one too.

  7. This one is Great,
    it's more nostalgic without color,
    more like an old memory.
