Tuesday, February 10, 2009

One Hour Photo

Collaborative guesswork between Renzntzman & wastedpapiers!


  1. You can never make too many!

  2. The Renzntzman: you are SO close!

    Thanks scrapatorium. I just don't want people to think that I'm some sort of a collage psycho - I just really like this theme and love the movies. Normally, I make one or two collages/month.

  3. The Last Picture Show?

    Yours are never easy! I mean that in a good way.

  4. You're not a collage psycho? Then your Scrapiteria membership will have to be revoked! ;-)

  5. Not the Last Picture Show.

    Yes, yes, I am a collage psycho!

  6. You can never do too many, you have to make up for me not being able to come up with ANYTHING and this should be the easiest topic for someone who watches a movie a day. I agree, these I not easy to guess.

  7. One Hour Photo? I think this is what Renzntzman meant with his guess.

  8. Correct! A collaborative effort!

  9. Yes, I did mean 1 Hour Photo but I decided to add 23 hours to it to increase my chances. I really am not very good at this theme...guessing or making. And, like Viv, I watch a movie a day also.
