Sunday, April 05, 2009

Close Encounter with a Strange Fish


  1. This collage justifies my fear of the water. Excellent work!

  2. I'm pretty scared of the ocean...
    or any really deep water. You don't know what's down there.
    You just sink into the darkness,
    my mind alone
    would eat it's self alive.

    But, I love to swim.

  3. I don't know if this collage actually has anything to do with this theme...
    because I meet this Fish on the corner of North Side and 10Th.
    He asked,If I knew of a good place he could go to wet his Dorsal.
    Had the look of a dry drunk in his many multicolored eyes, which sunk back into his head when his green gills flared, but only for a second, then they'd clap shut causing the eyes to suddenly bulge.
    I couldn't help but stare, and found it hard to stop and answer...

  4. Love the story, D!

    I'm deathly afraid of the water, too. Can't swim and almost drowned once.

  5. Oddly, this reminds me of Bruce the shark from "Finding Nemo." It's probably the teeth.

    I grew up in Pensacola, FL so I have a healthy respect for the water. I don't like swimming where there are things that can eat me.

  6. Thanks A!

    Ha Marty, I thought the same thing after looking at it finished.

  7. Thanks A!

    Ha Marty, I thought the same thing after looking at it finished.
