Saturday, April 11, 2009

Little Patients

Naturally, they appeared in reverse order, so the end result is above... Started with a page from the medical journal everyone wanted to see more of, a Civil War book, and a disgruntled inventor throwing 50 adding machines out into the street! (I like this sort of theme challenge, although the extra scanning slowed things down a bit.)


  1. I like how you have him throwing barrels of legs out the window, Doctors during the Civil War amputated soldiers limbs left and right, No pun intended.

    Great collage PunWit!

  2. I need a thesaurus so I won't say "Great!" all the time.
    But it is great! I love it!

  3. Excellent stuff!

    word verification says- "sharpi"

  4. I too love the legs in the barrel!

    Sorry for the extra scanning, but I think it's interesting to see how each person puts together a collage.
