Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Chimney Sweep

Just in the St. Nick of time! I want to wish all of my fellow Scrapiteriums and followers of this blog a very Happy Holiday!


  1. Excellent, as usual!
    Happy Holidays to you as well!

  2. So pretty! He sure does look hot though with all those clothes vacuuming in front of the fire :D he should follow Beulah's lead and strip down :) Happy Holidays to you!

  3. Terrific! I can honestly say that one of the first things I do every day when I turn on the PC is to log onto Scrapiteria to see what all my fellow collagists are up to. Its a been a real treat thi year and so looking forward to next year and more wonderful themes to interpret.

    Have a fantastically cool Yule!

  4. Thanks Angelica, for all you do, and Happy Holidays from Pam & me. I'm glad to see you managed to find the vacuum cleaner that the rest of us were looking for this week.
    P.S. - Michael, the verification word is "glueta"--how appropriate!

  5. LOL Love Santa with the vacuum cleaner.
