Friday, August 06, 2010

Taking Junk For A Walk

Stuff I picked up on walking to town and back. The road sweeper goes round on a regular basis so the streets are relatively clean so pickings were slim. Had enough to fill this child's wooden necklace maker set I found in a charity shop. Not sure which I prefer, the minimal arrangement without the necklace beads or with all the beads and letters added so uploading both.


  1. Wow, excellent! You found some great little objects and I love the box you used. Although I like both, I tend to like the bottom image better with all the beads.

  2. It's amazing what you found. Kurt Schwitters would be proud. I like both assemblages!

  3. Really great! Very inspiring. Hope I can find the time to do one.

  4. You know me, I go for the top more minimalist look :) Gosh I wish I could find such neat things. On my walks it is generally potato chip bags or dog poo.

  5. Thanks all. I new this box of beads would come in handy one day!

  6. You have better finds on your side of the world.
