Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Tim Manthey

Please welcome our newest member, Tim Manthey!

Born in Seattle in the late seventies, Tim Manthey has been creating unique and strange visual art for over thirty years. Whether it be a life-long sketch journal, video collages for public access television, or glass art. In 2009, he picked up scissors, glue and paint, and was struck with the urge to create handmade collages that soon evolved into whimsically disturbing dream narratives. Through illustrating and manipulating images, Tim creates unique designs, characters and themes that play with perception and explore the possibilities of interaction. His collage work has been featured on, FFFFOUND!, The Stranger, Scrapiteria, A Book About Death, The Drawgasmic Exhibition, and is shown regularly around Seattle.

You can see more of his work on his blog, Cloud Nectar.


  1. Welcome Tim! I look forward to seeing more of your beautiful work.

  2. May I second that. Good to see you here. Enjoyed looking at your blog.

  3. Thank you!
    This group is a great motivator to keep ideas fresh. I really appreciate being a part :)

  4. Fantastic collage and it's great to have you here!

  5. Welcome Tim! Brilliant collage!

  6. WILD collage, I love it... and welcome!

  7. Thought this name looked familiar = Cheers!
