Saturday, June 04, 2011


How very convenient this week's theme is.  I am immersed in a project A Letter A Week, that involves me making a 7 x 7 cm work each week based on a letter of the alphabet. 

There are two alphabets during the year and one should be 'black & white, and ? something else', the other is the artists free choice. 

I am on the home run for my first alphabet, free choice, so have the letters for the word 'stain'.

The object is to present the completed alphabets in a way that is suitable for exhibition.  Am still working on that.


  1. Looks Great!
    do you like working so small?

  2. Wonderful work! Best viewed large I think.

  3. Strong graphics, Jo, excellent work.

  4. Working small is a challenge. I tried to make it Extra Large in the blog, but that made it too big for the space.

  5. I.m crazy for alphabets! :-) I will love to see the finished work,it promises!!
