Sorry for being so tardy in getting back here but have been busy getting well and doing some Spring cleaning. I have given up my Flickr stream and just on Treemo for the moment, though that may change. I have some new mail art projects on the boil which some of you might like to take part in.
The "LET YOUR POSTCARDS DO THE WALKING" is a similar to the "HANDY POSTCARD EXCHANGE" of a few years ago - only this time you have to draw round your bare foot( or feet ) onto some thin card and then decorate it whichever way you fancy - collage, rubber stamp, drawing, watercolour etc. Some examples here at the the blog I've just started to display the work sent in-
I hope this gives you some ideas. Hopefully an exhibition is planned for March 2008 - so thats the deadline for entries. Send as many as you want. Everyone gets a foot shaped card from me in exchange. Possible catalogue if I can raise the funding from the local arts body. Have fun!
Thanks for all the fine GET WELL collages. I was very touched that you should think of me.