Thursday, December 06, 2007

In the not too distant past...


Wastedpapiers said...

In the not too distant past when The Beano was only 25p and the world seemed a happier place , I worked for a company that made robotic fish. These fish were filled with incredible electronics that made them look and move just like the real thing. The inventor who made them was also working on robotic cows, snails,puffins, lions and giraffes. He had a secret laboratory deep inside a extinct volvo in Sweden. But one day something terrible happened......

onehuman said...

!!The aquatic androids escaped... While cyborg lions created a diversion for humanoid robots disguised as sporty fashion victims from the forties and fifty's...

Craig said...

...who held lust in their hearts which prevented them from seeing the real enemy...

Punwit said...

Billy's mom had cautioned him he'd have bad dreams if he ate all that candy before bedtime. But he LIKED his dreams, far better than the tattered comic books he read and re-read until his flashlight flickered too dim. He didn't dare tell his school chums--they wouldn't understand about...

Scrapatorium said...

...his crush on Ms. Cassie Rolle, one of the lunch ladies at his school who was old enough to be his grandmother. He frequently dreamt that she was wearing a woolen, striped swimsuit and that he was a fish caught in her hairnet. His mother always woke him up on the best part, where...

Fast Eyes said...

I think it was the flea collar bit that broke me up...great!