Saturday, July 03, 2010

Coffee Messiah


vivienne strauss said...

I bet it was hard getting a good cup a coffee on the trail in those days! My biggest concern with all travel :)

Wastedpapiers said...

I'm more of a tea drinker but I have similar worries when travelling - will we find a place that makes good tea.

What Would Jesus Glue? said...

"Circle the wagons, Jeb. The indians are after our scones."

Coffee Messiah said...

From what I've read, there were many interesting ways to make a cup. I'm with you, finding a good cuppa while on the road is a must.

Yikes, I enjoy good T 2, but forget it here in the states. It's almost like finding a needle in a haystack.

That was funny and thanks for your comments!