Saturday, August 27, 2005


An oldie from the Scrapatorium files.


Wastedpapiers said...

Very funny! Inspired choice of clippings!

Arty said...

batteries not included?

thats the trouble with these "Man " gadgets -you use them once and then they end up at the back of the cupboard collecting dust with your nutcrackers, sandwich toaster and that stupid corkscrew from Switzerland that never really worked.

Arty said...

the woman on the left looks like she is having slightly impure thoughts.

Arty said...

So does the woman on the right! What kind of party is this? Why wasn't I invited!

Scrapatorium said...

Thanks Michael!

Arty, it's for lonely housewives only. You can attend, but you have to wear bikini bottoms and be willing to be manhandled!

Arty said...

ooohhh-I'll just take my meds first if thats all right and I'll be right over.