Saturday, February 18, 2006

La elbow est sur le table



Scrapatorium said...

Sometimes you just have to grin and bear it.

onehuman said...

When eating chili dogs,
I believe it's acceptable to have
ones elbows on the table.
I may be wrong.

Wastedpapiers said...

I've never really understood why les elbows on ze table was zuch a bad thing? Magnifique!

James Kaufmann said...

When you tuck into a chili dog of that magnitude you need the elbow there for balance, don't you?

Punwit said...

OK, the jury is in: Huge Chili Dogs, especially without a bun, makes a less than formal dining experience. I'll notify Emily Post. Thanks for the support, gang!

Virtual Scrap Heap said...

I love it! Nice obscure call on the theme :)