Saturday, May 19, 2007

WATER /intermission

!Hi everyone,
I was just thinking... How cool it would be... If we all had a piece of each others work, in our personal collections... kind of like a "bakers dozen"... But more relaxed...
Held on a good faith basis. NO STRESS...
If you're interested, or have any questions/ideas to add... Please speak up & join in!


Anonymous said...

Sounds fun to me. Would it be just a general exchange or by theme/size?

Punwit said...

I would be glad to do this!

Twice Told Lori said...

I like it, sounds fun :) Do we send the collages to one person who mixes them up and sends them out or do we send our addresses to someone who distributes the completed list and then each send from the list?

Artists With Artitude said...

I am intrigued. Please elaborate.. A newbie question: when and to whom do we submit a collage challenge? Thanks :)

onehuman said...


~A general art exchange sounds about right.

~I think it would be easier to send them our selves. Wouldn't want to leave all the "work" to one person.
So whoever is interested, we will trade addresses.

hey Neda, here's a rough description...!Say there were ten of us... We would make nine collages and send them to the other participating members.

I realize there are a few details to work out:)

Artists With Artitude said...

Sounds good...might as welll send of our "scraps" around too! I need to get rid of some stuff so I can get more stuff. Yikes!

Punwit said...

Here's my thought: Along with our address we could list a subject or 3 that we particularly enjoy. Not as a requirement but could be a helpful boost for the makers.

onehuman said...

!Good idea Punwit

Fast Eyes said...

I really like these contrasts.

Re the exchange - yeahhh. Would like to hear more about this idea.