Sunday, July 17, 2005

The Couch Potato

This is for the new theme of TELEVISION which starts today for the next few days.


Scrapatorium said...

Hahaha! Great collage! Fun theme that I look forward to.

Wastedpapiers said...

I spent ages looking for a potato in old cook books and encyclopedias and eventually gave up and found this one on the web using Dogpile.
It's more of an armchair than a couch but I'm sure nobody will notice anyway!

Scrapatorium said...

That spud keeps making me laugh. It's so darn fat and looks miserable!

I know that feeling of wanting that one essential image for a collage. It drives me batty.

Arty said...

Spud u Like
I like u Spud

Brit said...

Is that Frank Zappa? (on the TV, that is, not on the couch)

Wastedpapiers said...

We spotted Brit- it is indeed old Frank. I don';t know why I put him there as he was hardly ever on was he?