Tuesday, July 19, 2005



Arty said...

Memphis calling

Scrapatorium said...

Makes mine look like they belong In the Ghetto! Really, this is gorgeous and I love the title!

Wastedpapiers said...

A little less conversation a little more collage!
I don;'t mean that ofcourse, just trying to find a terrible Elvish pun to go with your fab peice of coillage( as John Evans might say!)

Don't step on my glue sprayed shoes.

Wastedpapiers said...

The penny's just dropped with the clever title- blimey, I'm so slow sometimes!

Arty said...

Glue Sprayed Shoes! In the Ghetto!

The title came to me when I was half asleep on the way home on the train and I had to resurrect one of my Elvis memorial collages from when ever he died -was it 1978? I was actually in the USA in Washington DC on that day and it was a weird day. Also on my first went to North America on the day Nixon resigned-it must have been in July/August 1974. I seem to be a catalyst for national events!

Scrapatorium said...

Sometimes the best ideas occur when you are coming out of a groggy sleep.

As for Elvis, I think he died in 1977. My mom was/is one of those Elvis fanatics. I was only 9 years old, but I clearly remember her somber mood that day.

Arty said...

9 years old! No wonder I m feeling a bit creaky these days-it feels like yesterday-it was 1977 cos we were in the States then too-the year afterwards the authorities made Mrs Nahpro give up her green card as she had spent too long outside the US for their liking.

Wastedpapiers said...

1977 eh? Those were the days. The hey day of PUNK! Computers were great big things with tiny green screens and about 1 megabyte of memory! Televisons were huge too and made of WOOD! Great big knobs on them like dinner plates!

Arty said...

In some ways it seems like yesterday and in others like another lifetime away.