Sunday, March 05, 2006


Another from the 90's. The first collage of mine to be turned into a Boomerang card, given away in cinema foyers.


Punwit said...

I didn't think this should just sit here lonely without any comment. A Boomerang card, how cool is that?! A friend gave me some of those from Czech, but finding free cards here in the sticks is nearly impossible. Got mail from you yesterday too, Thanks Michael!

Scrapatorium said...

Fun! I don't think I have seen this card.

Wastedpapiers said...

Glad the mail arrived punwit. Thanks for the comment. I appreciate every one!
This is the very first card I did back in the mid. 90's so all the cards went quite quickly. I got 500 for payment which isnt much really but nice to get my work seen and even got some postcards back as it had my return address on! So cards sent to other folk and returned cam back to me!