Sunday, March 05, 2006

A Hot Bed of Activity



Arty said...

Buying a bed like that is a bit like getting a cool robot toy for Christmas and finding it doesnt come with the batteries on Christmas morning.

There should be a label on the packaging saying

"Serving Suggestion Only-Blondes Notet Included"

Punwit said...

Jeez Arty, there goes the fantasy, with the fine print. Actually, I was only thinking of all the collage materials stored under the bed (and everywhere else) so we could do any theme that comes along. P.S. - The photos are Not me, nor anyone I know...

onehuman said...

it's eye catching

Arty said...


*another bubble bursting

Scrapatorium said...

A fine example of a cut & pasties collage! Or is it smut & paste?