Thursday, December 06, 2007

Back In The Day....


What Would Jesus Glue? said...

...amusement parks were a new concept. No one was prepared on that fateful day when the ferris wheel uprooted itself from the concrete and rolled menacingly toward the unsuspecting city...

onehuman said...

(in a smokey whiskey voice)

"Back in the day...
You could see a good Freak Show for a nickle.
I remember one...
These two Siamese brothers... One was a Taylor, the other was a mathematician...

Scrapatorium said...

Luckily Wilford remembered to take his camera and snap the last known photo of the Siamese twins. Seconds after the picture was shot, the ferris wheel rolled over them separating Taylor and his brother forever. As if that wasn't bad enough...

Punwit said...

... a passer-by made light of the shocking scene by announcing loudly, "A Stitch in Time Saves Nine". He couldn't help himself (nor did he try); those puns flowed from his quick brain like quicksand, and a groan from his admirers (few in number, but appreciated) was a true compliment. If he had to explain (Stitch = Tailor, Nine = Mathematician, Surgery has stitches), it lost its momentum. Meanwhile, the rest of the crowd...

What Would Jesus Glue? said...

...lamenting the total breakdown of the city's public transit system, hopped onto the ferris wheel for a ride downtown. Later, when they reached their destination they realized that they hadn't devised a way to disembark. On board was a relatively smart man named Max McGee who said, "I know what we can do. Let's..."

Anonymous said...

...lassoo this passing lampost and swing Tarzan-like down to the pavement, avoiding the pedestrians.

The upshot was.....

Arty said...

...They bought a brand new book of Anagrams and looked up odd they thought...moon starers

Fast Eyes said...

Tom, Dick and Harry ditches work.