I'm a full time fine artist - mixed media and painting. I live in San Diego county, (southern) California. I received my fine art degree from San Diego State University in 1977. At that time and to this day, I have a very sharp interest and influence by the pop artists and 20th century American Contemporary Art. I was most deeply influenced by the Ashcan school, where I find beauty in common sometimes banal realities. These are mostly reflected in my paintings.
This influence comes into play with my collages in that I will use materials and images that in popular terms seem to bear no great artist meaning; but by my choice of juxtaposition, I hope to create an interesting meaning through relationships. For example, to me, a succulent aloe vera plant and the letter "y" have a lot in common.
This influence comes into play with my collages in that I will use materials and images that in popular terms seem to bear no great artist meaning; but by my choice of juxtaposition, I hope to create an interesting meaning through relationships. For example, to me, a succulent aloe vera plant and the letter "y" have a lot in common.
Welcome! Looking forward to seeing more of your work.
Love that piece. Welcome !
Good to see a new face on the blog. Look forward to seeing more of your collages.
Hello &Welcome!!..
Welcome aboard!
I like your work already. Glad you've come aboard.
welcome to this awesomely witty and productive group (honestly, I can barely keep up with how talented and funny everyone is!)
thank you for the warm welcome.....
lisa bebi
Welcome Lisa. Love the collage - made me think of home (L.A.). We had a century plant in our front yard.
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