Thursday, March 12, 2009

Ted "Wiggy" Pook

Ted "Wiggy" Pook - "The idiot and his uke" as he was known in the 20's and 30's, built quite a following in the frozen North and probably the only music hall artiste to play outdoors to several eskimos, a polar bear and a penguin during his world tour of both poles in 1935. His wig was insured for a staggering three thousand pounds and his ukulele was carved froma solid lump of whale blubber.


Scrapatorium said...

I hear the eskimos gave him an icy reception.

What an imagination you have, M!

Crafty Dogma said...

Fantastic collage! The aurora borealis is a nice touch. Does the pigeon work for the insurance company?

vivienne strauss said...

I bet I would have liked his music!

Mr. Anderson said...

I love this story! The image with words creates a wonderful fusion.