Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Trust your mechanic


onehuman said...

Awhile back, I read a story in the paper, about a man who complained of stomach pains after a recent surgery. When he went back to the Hospital, the xray revealed a strange object, the surgeon had apparently left his wrist watch in the mans chest...

Crafty Dogma said...

Fantastic collage! You really are on a roll!

Wastedpapiers said...

I heard that story too- something of a urban myth maybe - I can't believe surgeons could be that stupid! Great collage!

Punwit said...

Gee, I thought that was her biological clock. Mechanics these days need almost as much diagnostic equipment as doctors do!

onehuman said...


A1, I've also read stories about patients who have had surgical tools and wads of gauze left within their intestines,
as well as people who
have had the wrong limbs amputated.
Myths don't lead to Law Suits.

~Except in the case of Big Foot
verses the State of Massachusetts.

PunWit, I could have gone a lot further with this one, but didn't want to come off as being offensive:D

What Would Jesus Glue? said...

"Gentlemen, we can rebuild him. We have the technology. Better than he was before. Better, stronger, faster."

Scrapatorium said...

This is fantastic!!